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Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire: Atlantic City Treasurer Jim Neary’s Suicide Note from Episode 310

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In Boardwalk Empire Season 3, Episode 10 (“A Man, A Plan…”), Atlantic City Treasurer Jim Neary is found dead in what is staged as a suicide. In reality, he is executed by Richard Harrow, acting on behalf of Gillian Darmody, who is eliminating ties to the Commodore’s old political circle.

The murder is made to look like a suicide with a forged note, serving as a cover-up for political cleanup and shifting power. Richard’s involvement highlights his loyalty to Gillian at this stage, as well as the continued dismantling of Atlantic City’s old guard. Neary’s death marks a quiet but definitive turning point in the show's broader themes of loyalty, manipulation, and the consequences of past alliances. It comes with a certificate of authenticity.